Artistic Study Abroad (Portfolio Preparation)

  • Professors of art education make detailed and individualized trainings

  • Guide students to show individual and unique art potential confidently through their works of art

  • Lay emphasis on developing critical thinking and basic cross-disciplinary competence

  • Recommend and help to apply for visits to American schools and summer schools

  • (Link to ‘Portfolio Preparation’)

Promoting Art and Design Background

  • Combine art with other courses, like science, biology and physics, which is the certain trend of the future academic and career development. It can also be a stepping stone towards worldwide top universities.

  • Our famous experts in art and design field help you to develop your internal artistic potentials

  • Our team helps to bring a new experience from brain storming to final works for creative art items of top worldwide art competitions.

  • (Link to ‘Art Competition and Contest’+’ Study Abroad’)

Global Art Campus

  • Cooperate with many famous schools, like Columbia University, Parsons School of Design, MD.H (Berlin, Düsseldorf, München)

  • Cooperate with designers and artists to help students to achieve more artistic practical opportunities

  • Provide first-hand information for art majors and art colleges

  • Provide first-hand information of art schools and majors.